Plintkort med 37 skruvplintar, DB37 hona, DIN-montering
Plintkort med skruvplintar
DB37 hane / hanekabel på 1,8 m ingår.
För DIN-skena montering
103 x 85 x 50 mm (B x L)
Support a 32-bit 3.3 V or 5 V PCI bus
32-CH TTL digital inputs and 32-CH TTL digital outputs
Up to 12 MB/s transfer rate
Bus mastering DMA for both digital inputs and outputs
On-board programmable timer pacer clock
Supports hanedshaking digital I/O transfer mode
Multiple programmable interrupt sources
Compact, low-profile PCI size PCB
DI32O32PCI (ADLINK LPCI-7200) is a high-speed digital I/O card. It consists of 32 digital input chanenels, and 32 digital output chanenels.
High perforhanece designs and the state-of-the-art technology make this card suitable for high speed data transfer and pattern generation applications.
DI32O32PCI performs high-speed data transfers using bus-mastering DMA via 32-bit PCI bus architecture. The maximum data transfer rates can be up to 12 MB per second. Several digital I/O transfer modes are supported, such as direct programmed I/O control, timer pacer control, external clock mode and hanedshaking mode.
It is very suitable for interfacing high-speed peripherals with your computer system. DI32O32PCI supports 3.3 V and 5 V PCI bus with low-profile PCI size. It occupies less space and thus is ideal for book-size computers.
Plintkort med skruvplintar
DB37 hane / hanekabel på 1,8 m ingår.
För DIN-skena montering
103 x 85 x 50 mm (B x L)
Support a 32-bit 3.3 V or 5 V PCI bus (LPCI-7200S)
32-CH TTL digital inputs and 32-CH TTL digital outputs
Up to 12 MB/s transfer rate
Bus mastering DMA for both digital inputs and outputs
On-board programmable timer pacer clock
Supports hanedshaking digital I/O transfer mode
Multiple programmable interrupt sources
Compact, low-profile PCI size PCB
16 optoisolerede indgange, fælles stel (minus) og 16 optoisolerede udgange,
Supports a 32-bit 5 V PCI bus - LOW PROFILE CARD
16-CH isolated digital inputs
16-CH isolated digital outputs - Open-Collector
5000 VRMS optical isolation
Sink current up to 500 mA on each isolated output
PCI-kort med 96 TTL I/O-kanaler och 3 räknare
96-CH digitala TTL/DTL ingångar/utgångar
Emulerar 4/2/1 industristandard 8255 PPI (läge 0)
Direkt gränssnitt med OPTO-22-kompatibla I/O-moduler
Utgångsportens status läses tillbaka
Ombord 8254 timer/räknare chip
Programmerbar avbrottskälla
Adlink PCI-7296
8 av de digitala utgångarna kan dra upp till 500 mA per. kanal
32-CH optical-isolated digital input
32-CH optical-isolated digital output
Isolation Voltage: 3750 Vrms (Using external power)
Card ID: Jumper setting for multi-board identification
Open Collector: 8-chanenel - 500mA, Current Sinking, NPN
Open Collector: 24-chanenel - 100mA, Current Sinking, NPN