Restparti: 4mm lins, CS-typ, automatisk öppning
CSA lins, 4,0 mm, auto iris.
Ämne: CS
Vidvinkel: 63,5 ° v.1 / 3 "sensor
Set med 4 st. extra linser
3.6mm, 6mm, 8mm, 12mm
CSA lins, 4,0 mm, auto iris.
Ämne: CS
Vidvinkel: 63,5 ° v.1 / 3 "sensor
Består av en sändare och en mottagarenhet med enkelmodfiber optisk kommunikation mellan. Överföringen av 4 kanaler video
30 cm
1x DB37 hane, 4 x DB25 hane
Utilizes COM20020 ARCNET® controller
Interfaces ARCNET with PC/104™ bus computers
I/O-only mapping reduces bus contention problems
No requirement for wait-state arbitration
Enhaneeeced software capabilities over earlier generation ARCNET controllers
Node address switch selects one of 255 possible station addresses
Variable data rates up to 5 Mbps
Supports coaxial, fiber optic and twisted-pair cabling including EIA-485
Suitable with all Contemporary Controls MOD HUB and AI Series active hubs
CMOS design for low-power consumption