Moxa CP-114IS 4 x RS232 / 422/485 för PCI optisk isolering
Moxa CP-114IS
OS-stöd Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/8/8.1/10 (x86/x64)
- Windows 8
- Windows Server 2012
- Windows Server 2008
- Windows 10
- Windows 7
2-port RS-422/485 kommunikationskort med hög hastighet
Windows 2000 / XP / 2003, Windows NT, Windows 95/98 / ME, WIN 7, WIN 8, WIN 10 32/64 Bit
Windows XP Embedded, WINDOWS 2003, 2008, 2012
DOS, FreeBSD 4.x, Linux 2.0.x (Alpha), Linux 2.2.x (Alpha), Linux Base
Comm. Controller 16C550C or compatible x 2
Bus 32-bit PCI, ver. 2.1
Connector(s) Male DB9
Serial Interface
Serial Standards RS-422/485
Number of Ports 2
Number of Boards 4
Baudrate 50 bps to 921.6 Kbps
Serial Communication Parameters
Data Bits 5, 6, 7, 8
Stop Bits 1, 1.5, 2
Parity None, even, odd, space, mark
Flow Control RS-485 data control with ADDC™ or RTS
I/O Address Assigned by BIOS
IRQ Assigned by BIOS
Serial Signals
RS-422 TxD+, TxD-, RxD+, RxD-, RTS+, RTS-, CTS+, CTS-, GND
RS-485-2w RS-485: Data+, Data-, GND
Driver Support
Operating Systems Windows 2000/XP/2003, Windows NT, Windows 95/98/ME, Windows XP Embedded, DOS, FreeBSD 4.x, Linux 2.0.x (Alpha), Linux 2.2.x (Alpha), Linux Base
Physical Characteristics
Dimensions 120 x 80 mm (CP-132, CP-132S)
120 x 110 mm (CP-132I, CP-132IS)
Environmental Limits
Operating Temperature 0 to 55°C
Operating Humidity 5 to 95% RH
Storage Temperature -20 to 85°C
Regulatory Approvals FCC, CE
Power Requirements
Power Consumption CP-132: 430 mA max. (+5V)
CP-132S: 430 mA max. (+5V)
CP-132I: 700 mA max. (+5V)
CP-132IS: 700 mA max. (+5V)
ESD Protection 25 KV ESD per serial port (CP-132S, CP-132IS)
Optical Isolation Protection 2 KV (CP-132I, CP-132IS)
Moxa CP-114IS
OS-stöd Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/8/8.1/10 (x86/x64)
Low RMA rate and high reliability with Sunix's single chipset designed ASIC
Compliant with one-lane 2.5 Gbps PCI-Express specification
128K FIFO buffer can reduce CPU loading, less interruption and improving system perforhanece dramatically
RS-422/485 Auto Identify and Switch technology enable device plug-n-play without jumper or switch setting
ARSCTM (Auto RTS Signal Control) technology allows accurate switching of the transmitter on and off for precise timing of the data transmission
Optical isolation (2.5KV) provides protection against damage from static electrical charge
Surge protection (600W) provides protection against surge damage from high energy spike
2-port RS-422/485 with Surge & Isolation, Universal PCI Card Simple Type: MULTIFUNCTIONAL I/O
Sunix 8139SI
2 porte till RS232/422/485, med 2 KV iso., universal PCI
64-bit System Intel Itanium
AMD Athlon 64 64-bit CPU System
Microsoft Win 9x/ME/NT, Win 2K/XP/2003, Win CE
Linux 2.0.x / 2.2.x / 2.4.x / 2.6.x